Tuesday 19 November 2013

Dayre is The New Black

Hehe. Hi. 

Just going to make this a really short one.

Ever thought of keeping a diary but you simply don't have the time to pen it down on a piece of paper? 

.."I'll jot it down later.."
.."Diaries are for girls.."
.."Who keeps a diary anyway?.."

Here's a gentle reminder: As the end of the week approaches, you'd probably think to yourself.. 
"Hmm..What did I eat on Tuesday?.."
"How did I blow my budget this week?.."
"What was the joke my friend told me about again?.."

Hey, what about that funny lil' blooper in your life that made you laugh so hysterically? Don't You want to cherish that moment forever? Don't You want to track your accomplishments on a day to day basis? Let's just assume you'd want to.

..what? Blog it out?

Everything these days are commonly associated with 'On-The-Go' concept and unfortunately, it's a little tiresome to sit infront of your laptop for hours recollecting your daily activities after a loooooong day at work. You just want to kick back and relax, y'know? Enjoy the company of your family & friends.

Well now, introducing a relatively new app- Dayre, is a solution to everyone's needs.

Dayre simply combines your updates, videos and pictures into a daily log in the span of 24 hours. 
It's mad easy to use and super convenient as you can update it whenever and wherever you are (AS LONG AS YOUR PHONE IS BY YOUR SIDE AND IT'S CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET.)

Did I mention it's free? Cause everyone is a sucker for free stuffs.

Here's a little snippet of my 'Day 324' in Dayre. 

BTW, they have stickers available for updates too, which is quite relatable to our daily lives. 

So,.. since I spend majority of my time with my phone (live, sleep & eat with it. literally). I'm going to be updating my Dayre much more than any other social media(s) presently available. 

If any of you kepoh (busy body) eager to know about my adulthood, you have my permission to follow me on Dayre.me/jessicaloh ...HAHA

Ok. Alright, Ciao.

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